3 Eye Care Misconceptions

Your eyes are important for a few reasons. Not only are they essential for vision purposes, but problems with the eyes could be a sign of another underlying condition, such as diabetes or a neurological disorder. Because of their importance, caring for your eyes is essential. Unfortunately, most people do not fully understand what is necessary for proper eye and vision care. This guide will help you learn the truth about a few common eye care misconceptions.

Eye Exams Necessary Only If You Have Vision Problems

One of the most common misconceptions people believe is that eye/vision exams are only necessary if you are struggling to see clearly. Unfortunately, believing this myth could be negatively affecting your eye health.

Remember that prevention is key and early detection is best for preventing different eye disorders and vision issues. Eye exams just only diagnose vision struggles, but they can also help correct vision before these struggles become more severe. In addition, comprehensive eye exams can detect surprising conditions, such as allergies, chronic dry eye, and even tumors.

Most experts recommend a comprehensive vision examination every 1 to 2 years even if you are not experiencing any eye or vision struggles.

Reading Glasses Are Just as Effective as Prescription Glasses

If you are struggling to see in a clear, concise manner while watching TV, reading, or working at the computer, you may decide to invest in a pair of reading glasses that can be purchased at your local discount retailer or drug store. Although somewhat helpful, reading glasses are not as effective as prescription eyeglasses.

It is important to remember that reading glasses can help with small, up-close print, but they cannot correct vision issues such as astigmatism, for example. Only a comprehensive eye exam will help determine what type of vision issue you have and the best lenses to correct your vision in the most effective manner.

Sitting Close to TV/Computer Screen Harms Your Eyes

Most people have been told at one point or another that sitting too close to the TV or computer screen will hurt their eyes. This myth is partially true.

In the past, parents would tell their children not to sit too close to the TV because of the fear of radiation emission. Today's televisions do not emit radiation, so there is no worry of eye/brain damage if you are sitting too close to the screen.

On the other hand, sitting too close to TV and computer screens can strain your eyes/vision, increasing the risk of fatigue, blurriness, dizziness, and headaches. 
